ISO 19438 Diesel fuel and petrol filters for internal combustion engines -- Filtration efficiency using particle counting and contaminant retention capacity Filtration

ISO 19438 specifies a multi-pass filtration test with continuous contaminant injection and using the online particle counting method for evaluating the performance of Diesel fuel and petrol filters for internal combustion engines.

The test procedure determines the contaminant capacity of a filter, its particulate removal characteristics and differential pressure.

  • You choose the micron size particles you would like to test the efficiency for

  • You choose the flowrate, fluid type, and contaminant

  • Send us your filters, filter media, or flat sheet media

  • Send us your filter housing if available

  • We can help you with any questions you have to ensure the testing meets your or your client’s needs

  • This test can be customized for any special requirement you may have